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The Most Important Line of Copy in You Email Marketing

By Mark Morgan Ford | 12/5/2002

“A good advertising man is a first-class pragmatist. If he has any basic theorem at all, it is that most advertising is an intrusion upon the time and attention of people; a justifiable one but an intrusion nonetheless. The reader has bought the magazine for something other than the ads.…


Make Your Performance Reviews Frank, Positive, and Specific

By Early To Rise | 11/26/2002

  “It is always the best policy to speak the truth, unless of course you are an exceptionally good liar.” – Jerome K. Jerome (The Idler, February 1892) In “The Performance Appraisal Question and Answer Book,” Dick Grote recommends that companies change the nomenclature for describing “mid-level” performance ratings so…


An Easy Way to Make Your Child Very Wealthy

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/25/2002

“With money in your pocket, you are wise and you are handsome and you sing well too.” – Yiddish proverb Let’s say my friends could afford to put $20,000 into such a fund. And let’s further assume that the fund provided a net return of 8% — which is lower…


The Current Stock Market Rally

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/21/2002

“I may just quit my job at the plant to become a full-time stock market guy.” – Homer Simpson When Richard Russell launched Richard Russell’s Dow Theory Letters in 1958, he said that what then looked like the beginning of a bear market was merely a bull market correction. “Stay…


The One Type of Insurance You Must Buy

By Early To Rise | 11/16/2002

Imagine buying a home and then discovering after you move in that the person who sold you the property didn’t own it. Impossible you say? Think again. Forged deeds are a real problem and just one of many problems you can run into as a buyer of real estate. That’s…


The Golden Rule: Make Sure You Get Paid

By Steve Sjuggerud | 11/15/2002

Stocks have returned only 5.1% a year since 1900. Don’t believe me? Here are the numbers: The Dow started the last century at 48.4. As I write this, it’s at 8,322. Run the numbers over that 102.8-year period, using compound interest, and you’ll find that the Dow only rose by…


Make Your New Project or Business A Big Winner by Focusing on the Highest-Margin Sales

By Early To Rise | 11/13/2002

Every business (or business project) has a unique potential for success that is realized when all the key elements are put together in just the right way. Once you understand this recipe, profits come to you reliably and regularly. The challenge for new ventures is to keep the cash flow…


How to Impress Your Boss at Meetings

By Early To Rise | 11/7/2002

  “The first secret of success? Self trust.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson It doesn’t take much to impress your boss when you are lucky enough to have his attention (more or less) for an entire meeting. Here are seven things you can do — seven things that would work on…


Business Checkup: The Four Ps

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/5/2002

“It is not enough to understand what we ought to be, unless we know what we are; and we do not understand what we are, unless we know what we ought to be.” – T.S. Eliot (Religion and Literature, 1935) There are at least four critical aspects to any business…

retire happy

How To Retire Happy, Wealthy, and Stress-Free

By Mark Hyman | 11/4/2002

Here are the three simple steps you need to take in order to retire happily and avoid becoming addicted to work and making money.


Hook Your Prospect in the First 25 Words

By Early to Rise | 11/2/2002

Want to write something that will grab a reader’s attention and get them—and keep them—reading? Then pick up a copy of Leads & Conclusions by Marshall J. Cook. One interesting tip he offers comes from the Direct Mail Marketing Association. They wanted to find the point where people stop reading…


How To Do Anything You Want – And Get Paid For Doing It

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/1/2002

“None will improve your lot if you yourselves do not.” – Bertolt Brecht (Roundheads and Peakheads, 1933) This afternoon, I dropped by my brother’s house. He told me that the business he started two years ago — a mail-order program that teaches parents how to teach their children about wealth…