8 Ways to Immediately Make More Money With Stocks
Warren Buffett and Bill Gross, two of the most influential investors in the world, both think that stocks will return 6% to 7% a year over the next decade. At that rate, you’ll double your money in 10 years. However, if you’re giving away 2% or more in fees and…
READ MOREThink Like a Customer and Act like an Owner
“First, say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.” – Epictetus (Discourses, 2nd century) We’ve talked a good deal about how you can elevate yourself to the top position in your business. I’ve recommended that you: * Get to work earlier than everyone…
READ MOREWhen Your Boss is Looking Over Your Back
“A bad workman quarrels with the man who calls him that.” – Ambrose Bierce (“Saw,” The Devil’s Dictionary) Second-guessers — bosses who delegate authority and then take some of it back — are a very odious sort. And most management books advise you to confront second-guessers and try to get…
READ MOREHow to Grow Your Business Through Endorsements
A famous business publication interviewed me once and asked me this question: “If every one of your marketing concepts but one was taken away, which would you hold on to at any price?” I didn’t need a second to think about the question. I immediately answered that I’d never give…
READ MOREThree Steps To Making Your Direct-Mail Copy Super-Strong
I’ve been directly or indirectly responsible for more than a billion dollars’ worth of direct-mail copy over a span of more than 20 years. During that time, I’ve never stopped trying to find new and better ways to make the copy stronger. What follows is a simple but (for me,…
READ MOREDo You Have What It Takes To Make Big Money With Stocks?
“There are men who gain from their wealth only the fear of losing it.” – Antoine Rivaroli (L’Esprit de Rivarol, 1808) I’m not an expert in stocks, but I have been involved with stock-market publications and stock-market gurus for more than 25 years. During that time, I’ve met a…
READ MOREHard Access Versus Easy Access Businesses
“For easy things, that may be got at will, / Most sorts of men do set but little store.” – Edmund Spenser (Amoretti, 1595) In a recent issue of Inc. magazine, business expert Norm Brodsky says “given a choice, I’d always go for a hard-access business over an easy-access one,”…
READ MOREHow To Invest Safely in the Stock Market: MMF’s Three Rules for Amateur Investors
As you probably know, I have spent a lot of time in the investment advisory business. Not on the financial planning or brokerage side, but as a consultant to investment book and newsletter publishers. I’ve also created, marketed, directed, and spoken at more than 100 investment seminars and conferences. All…
READ MOREThe Best Stock Tip I Ever Received
Martha Stewart is cold busted. Unless her lawyers can do some serious sweet-talking, it seems certain that “America’s favorite homemaker” will soon be found guilty of insider trading. As you no doubt know, late last December, Martha sold her 4,000 shares of ImClone … just before an important announcement that…
READ MOREAn Important Question About the Product You’re Selling
“How few are our real wants! And how easy it is to satisfy them! Our imaginary ones are boundless and insatiable.” – Augustus William Hare (Guesses at Truth, 1827) There are two kinds of products: need-to-have products and want-to-have products. Knowing which kind you are selling is critically important to…
READ MOREThe Perfect Portfolio for You
If only you had the perfect portfolio … one that grew 12% a year like clockwork — without a losing year — then you’d be set for life. But just what is the perfect portfolio for you? And what’s the easiest way to get there from where you are now?…
READ MOREInteresting Trend in the Advertising World
Dear Early to Rise Reader, Last Monday, The USA Today reported on an interesting trend in the advertising world. Many of the world’s biggest and most successful companies, the paper reported, are now turning to direct-marketing (which they call the “ugly step-child” of the advertising world), instead of traditional, glitzy,…