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How Secure Is Your Business? What Are Your Top People Telling You?

By Early To Rise | 04/2/2002

In the months that followed September 11, Bush ordered a bunch of undercover audits of airport security. 783 were conducted. The results, according to an article I saw in USA Today, indicated an amazingly high level of incompetence. The president’s investigators were able to carry knives past screeners in 70%…


Taking The 20-Something Factor into Consideration

By Early To Rise | 04/1/2002

Every once in a while, some bright young kid I’m mentoring does something really stupid or really shiftless — something so wrong that it causes me to wonder if I’ve made a mistake committing my time to him. This happened yesterday. PSG temporarily closed a profitable operation so he could…


An Important Rule of Lasting Wealth

By Steve Sjuggerud | 03/29/2002

One of the most important rules of profitable investing (and profitable business too) is to get out of losing ventures quickly and spend more time and money pursuing your best opportunities. If you can follow the straightforward technique I’ll outline for you here, you’ll never lose another night’s sleep worrying…


Business 101: When Change is Bad

By Early To Rise | 03/28/2002

For as long as I could remember, the direct-mail publishing industry was serviced by a newsletter titled (very smartly) “Who’s Mailing What!” It was written by Denny Hatch, an old pro, and was full of the wise and pithy observations you’d expect from an experienced insider. Recently, it was sold…


Creating – And Sticking With – A Standard of Employee Excellence

By Early To Rise | 03/25/2002

“To me, one man is worth ten thousand if he is first-rate.” – Heraclitus (Fragments, c. 500 B.C.) In a memo to one of my clients, I recommended that he create a policy for promoting a standard of employee excellence that would include his eliminating the worst 15% of his…


A Starbucks Secret: How to Keep Good Employees

By Mark Morgan Ford | 03/20/2002

While I was traveling over the weekend, I picked up a copy of a good book in the Las Vegas airport called “Lessons from the Top: The 50 Most Successful Business Leaders in America — and What You Can Learn.” One of the profiles in the book is on Starbucks…


How Big Should The Type Be In Your Advertising?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 03/20/2002

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, and the problem is that I don’t know which half.” – John Wanamaker One of the questions you will face when you review your direct-response advertising is “How large should the type be?” On the one hand, you want the type…


Powercharging Your Networking

By Early To Rise | 03/19/2002

To solidify an acquaintanceship — that is, to get someone you admire to remember your name — you might want to try something brazen and calculating…such as sending a gift along with a personal letter. I was the subject of such a transparent and disreputable effort last week — and…


Don’t Stop Just When Things Are Getting Good

By Early To Rise | 03/15/2002

In a recent e-mail essay, Gary North asks one of the most important questions of my generation: How does an older person get time back on his side? The answer, Gary says, is to give up the will-o’-the-wisp known as the retirement syndrome. You can keep working if you have…


The Problems With Starting And Growing Any Business

By Mark Morgan Ford | 03/14/2002

“In the end, all business operations can be reduced to three words: people, product, and profits.” – Lee Iacocca (Iacocca: An Autobiography, 1984) When you start a business, you have three concerns — one conceptual, one financial, and one personal: 1. Is your business model viable? 2. Do you have…


Resist The Temptation To Do Less As You Do Better

By Early To Rise | 03/13/2002

A crow sat in a tree, doing nothing. A rabbit saw the crow and asked, “Can I also sit and do nothing?” “Sure,” the crow answered. So the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow and rested. A few minutes later, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit, and…


One Of The Greatest Success Secrets I Know

By Early To Rise | 03/11/2002

JG is a very successful direct marketer. His business has soared while most of his competitors have foundered. About six months ago, I gave him — free — a marketing idea that he since said made him “more than several million dollars.” Yesterday, he invited me to tour his facilities…