We’re Off With a Bang!
We’re off with a bang!
We just started sending out invitations to our November Info-Marketing Bootcamp, and our entire office is already counting down the days.
This is the biggest event we hold all year. In fact, many people in the info-marketing business view this as our industry’s “flagship” conference.
That’s because we bring in the world’s best marketers – experts on list building, Google AdWords, video marketing, social media, product creation, and more – to share their secrets.
You may have heard of some of them: Rich Schefren, Mike Koenigs, and Perry Marshall, to name just a few. (In the coming weeks, we’ll be revealing a few surprise speakers, too.)
So if you have an offline business but want to go online… or if you’ve started an online business but need a few pointers… even if you don’t yet have a business but want to start one… Bootcamp is the place to be.
And because a lot of “industry” people to come to Bootcamp, it’s a great chance for you to form relationships and even do business deals. Our speakers are quite approachable. The bar in the lobby at the Marriott, for example, is a frequent meeting spot. (Check out Rob Gramer’s story in the Bootcamp promotion. After one of the sessions, he bought one of our speakers a drink at the bar – and he got the tip he needed to get his business off the ground. No joke!)
And it all happens in our beautiful hometown of Delray Beach, Florida.