What to Do if You are Injured

This bothers me every day. On Facebook, during our QnA sessions, someone always asks me what exercises they can do with a specific injury.
The problem is that this is outside my scope of expertise. I’m just a simple farm boy that specializes in short, burst fat loss workouts with minimal or no equipment.
I’m not a doctor. Therefore I just can’t answer injury-related questions over the Internet. I don’t think any injury expert could either, because they’d insist on seeing you – and examining the injury – in person.
That said, when I go to my chiropractor, the brilliant Dr. Michael Sommers at Evolve Chiropractic in the west end of Toronto, he gives me simple, yet effective advice for dealing with the minor injuries I suffer during my bouts of wrestling ol’ Bally the Dog <= really happens!
If you hurt yourself, stop what you are doing, of course. Avoid exercises that make it worse. Rest it. Ice it. Elevate it. If it’s serious and swelling, see a doctor. If it’s a minor muscle strain, do light stretching for the muscle to help it heal and retain its range of motion.
Talk to a doctor, chiropractor, or physical therapist about doing light activity that will help speed the healing process. If you are covered by insurance or can afford the visits, seek a muscle therapist certified in Active Release Techniques (A-R-T).
Dr. Sommers is a miracle worker with ART, and has helped my best friend, J-Roc, and my sister to overcome nagging shoulder and neck injuries. (Both of these folks have been “TT Client of the Year” – because they listen to me! – and both will be at the TT Summit this year in San Diego.
Of course, the key is to NOT get injured in the first place. The best ways to ensure that you are able to train hard AND safe are:
1) Do a Proper Warm-up
Always use the TT bodyweight circuits to warm-up & specific warm-up sets for any weight training exercises. You should also improve your mobility – Use this routine to warm-up your lower body to prevent injury.
I always do a circuit of Stick-Ups, Bird Dogs, a 30-second RKC Plank, Squats, 1-Leg RDL’s, Leg Swings, WYT’s, and Pushups before a workout, and this has been incredibly helpful.
2) Train like Goldilocks
We all know the story of Goldilocks…and how she always settled for something “Just right”. Our workouts should be that way too. Not too long, not too extreme, but not too slow and boring, like cardio either. We want something “Just right”. And that’s what Turbulence Training is…Goldilocks would be a very happy TT or Home Workout Revolution client, I’m sure.
And just imagine her surprise when the 3 bears would come home to find her doing a set of Total Body Extensions in their living room!
3) Take Advice from Kenny Rogers
Yes, good ol’ Kenny Rogers, the country singer, has some great advice for us. And no, it’s not to eat more of his roast chicken (do these restaurants still exist?). Here’s the great workout advice Kenny has for us (sing it with me):
“You got to know when to hold ‘em,
know when to fold ‘em,
know when to walk away,
know when to run.”
Take Kenny’s advice. Stop while you are ahead.
Because the TT and HWR workouts might be shorter than your long, slow workouts of the past, you will be tempted to do more.
Please don’t.
Don’t go for that extra long cardio session that will just cause overuse injury.
Don’t train hard 6 days per week. Your shoulders will thank you.
Don’t do extreme plyometric video workouts for 45 minutes every day.
Don’t push past failure.
Don’t workout when you have a nagging injury.
Train smart. If it hurts, don’t do it. If it continues to hurt after, find a good health expert in your area and have them help you.
There are so many good doctors, chiros, and physios out there today…practically miracle workers. Take advantage of the expertise in your area.
I’ve been taking Kenny’s advice seriously over the last two years, and I’m less injured than ever before. Yep, thanks to ol’ Kenny Rogers, my shoulders and low-back are feeling better than they did when I was 25 years old.
So heed Kenny’s advice, and know when to quit. Listen to Goldilocks and stick with the TT and HWR workouts that are “Just Right”.
And if you need a specific warm-up routine with exercise photos and even videos that demonstrate all of the movements get this:
Your best mobility routine for preventing injury
I hope this helped.
If you still have questions, I am happy to try and help (within the scope of my expertise) or point you in the right direction. I might even be able to find you an expert in your area. Just drop me a line on Facebook.
Train smart and avoid injury.
Be wise and get your injuries dealt with by visiting an expert. And train hard, but safe, but hard.
No longer on the injury train bound for nowhere,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Alright, time for me to go warm-up…
…and then head over to the Colorado Athletic Club here in Denver for a squat workout of:
1) Hip Mobility Movements
2A) Squats
2B) Box Jumps
3A) Front Squats
3B) Good Mornings (an odd barbell exercise for hamstrings and glutes)
Then I’m off to the www.EarlyToRise.com offices where I’ll be working on new articles, the May TT Workout of the Month (TT MRT 3.0), and more.
It’s going to be a great day. Hope yours is too!