What You Need to Know Today: May 6
Good evening, Early Risers
12 high-converting landing page examples and why they work. According to Gospaces.com an effective landing page contains 3 elements: 1. A compelling headline that makes a promise to the reader and describes the benefit your product or service offers; 2. A high impact image or video; 3. A clear call to action in the form of a buy now button, signup form, or something similar. Gospaces put together a list of high converting landing pages (with pictures) explaining why they work.
Shazam but for places. Take a picture on your phone of any location, attraction or landmark and Phind will identify the image and bring back useful information, tips, photos and places nearby. Phind is iOS friendly and free.
Deadline hitting experts share their secrets. No one knows deadlines like writers and Inc magazine writers share their 5 best tips for hitting deadlines. (I’m using #5 as I write this.)
Transferable tech skills every young person should learn. Word, Excel and Powerpoint should all be replaced by HTML, CSS, and Photoshop on your resume. If you want to impress your current boss or future employer, spend two hours a night learning these 5 tech skills.
Personal Development
Why this 27 year old quit her 6-figure job to help you. The biggest difference between the Haves and Have Nots is financial literacy. Dani Pascarella found this out first hand seeing her friends struggle post-graduation and volunteering at local schools teaching kids basic money principles. Pascarella spent five years on Wall Street as an investment specialist before she quit her 6-figure job to start Invibed.com, what she hopes will become the go-to destination for Millennials who need help improving their finances.
On May 6th in 1954, who was the first person to break the 4-minute mile?
I hope you enjoyed today’s news brief. Please send any news, comments, tech you like, productivity hacks you swear by and any other insights you think we might like to hear at support@etrhhelp.com. You can follow us on Twitter here and like our Facebook page.
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