Why Circuits Are Better Than Cardio
If you aren’t doing this type of workout, you need to add it to your fat burning program immediately.
And if you’re doing regular cardio, replace it with this ASAP!
Here’s why…one of the BIG downfalls (and there are many) of regular cardio is overuse injury. Even if you are healthy, your joints, tendons, and muscles take a beating when you do the same thing over and over and over again.
Just think about it…if you did an hour of jogging and did 60 strides per minute (on the low end), that would be 3600 repetitions per workout, all done at 3-5 times bodyweight impact on your joints.
It doesn’t matter how healthy or strong you are, if you do that three times, let alone six times per week, you WILL get injured.
So…here’s what you should do instead.
1) Total-Body Multi-Muscle Bodyweight Circuits
You can do these almost anywhere at anytime. You don’t need to go outside in the Arctic Vortex (or whatever they are calling winter these days, LOL).
Here’s what I put a guinea pig (i.e. friend of mine!) through this “Friday 400 Rep Circuit” morning in my garage on the farm:
a) Goblet Squats – 30 reps
b) Slam Ball Overhead Slams – 10 reps
c) Pushups – 20 reps
d) Prisoner Lunges – 10 per side (20 total reps)
e) PowerWheel Rollouts – 10 reps
f) Bodyweight Row – 10 reps
– There was no rest between exercises, and the circuit was repeated 4 times.
He said “No mas!” after 4 rounds, and I agreed that was enough…for today. We have a much harder strength & Metabolic
Resistance Training workout planned for him this weekend. His heart rate, during the above circuit, averaged about 140 beats per minute.
Now THAT is a better total-body fat burning workout that will get you results while BUILDING up your body, strength, and endurance, rather than breaking you down like long, slow cardio.
Think of it this way:
Cardio = Waterboarding your body into injury submission
Total-body circuits = Transforming your body into Mega-Awesomeness
It’s that plain and simple.
And even if you have little or no-equipment, you can still get a great total body workout with Prisoner Squats, all types of pushup variations, mountain climbers, lunge variations, plank and core training exercises, and other single-leg movements.
Which brings me to the 2nd thing you need…
2) Mikey Whitfield’s Bodyweight Finishers
He’ll give you 41 follow-along bodyweight finisher videos, plus ten bonus 20-10 videos. These require NO-equipment at all. Not even an elastic band.
Get your Bodyweight Finishers here <= 7 times better than cardio
But hurry, Mikey’s big celebration release sale on this NEW program ends tonight and the price increases, big time. YIKES! So grab that deal before the deadline…which is actually the 3rd thing you need in your fat burning life.
3) The Deadline
When transforming your body, or achieving any goal in your life, you need to set The Deadline. You see, nothing happens without action, and action doesn’t happen without a deadline. Every kid in grade school knows the power of a deadline (for getting things done last minute, of course).
As adults, we need the Power of The Deadline on our side at all times.
Speaking of The Deadline, I have one more to mention to you. If you’re a trainer, or if you want to become a Certified Turbulence Trainer, then you need to know about The Deadline for our upcoming TT Certification. It takes place in Orange County,
California, on April 5th and 6th.
And the deadline to take advantage of the Early-Bird Registration (and get one of the FINAL three spots), is tonight. The investment increases by $300 at midnight.
Join me, Bedros Keuilian, and Master CTT’s, Kate Vidulich and Dani Woodrum, as we certify our next class of life-changing TT Trainers.
And YES, you’ll get FREE access to the June 6-7th TT Summit when you become TT Certified.
Click here to become a TT Trainer & get free access to the TT Summit
See you in California – if you hurry and beat The Deadline.
Take action today,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Let me know what you think of that circuit.
And make sure to get TT Certified – because you’ll learn everything you need to know about creating your own fat burning circuits to change the lives of your clients and build an amazing personal training business!