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Must You Be Cutthroat To Succeed In Business?

By Early To Rise | 04/11/2002

A young man who is beginning what I hope will be a long and profitable career in business said this to me recently: “But isn’t that the way you HAVE to be in business? Like ruthless and all?” He is climbing up the ladder of success with the grease of…


Good Manners: Nothing Is More Important

By Early To Rise | 04/10/2002

“We are all born charming, fresh, and spontaneous and must be civilized before we are fit to participate in society.” – Judith Martin (“Miss Manners”) I was complaining — not too long ago — about the bad manners of a friend of one of my sons. I was trying to…


Paid Vacations

By Mike Palmer | 04/7/2002

For the past six years, I’ve had a little sideline job that’s allowed me to relax on Caribbean white-sand beaches, play golf on some of Ireland’s and Scotland’s best links courses, and visit more than 25 countries around the world. Not only do I get to go on these trips…


How Secure Is Your Business? What Are Your Top People Telling You?

By Early To Rise | 04/2/2002

In the months that followed September 11, Bush ordered a bunch of undercover audits of airport security. 783 were conducted. The results, according to an article I saw in USA Today, indicated an amazingly high level of incompetence. The president’s investigators were able to carry knives past screeners in 70%…


Creating – And Sticking With – A Standard of Employee Excellence

By Early To Rise | 03/25/2002

“To me, one man is worth ten thousand if he is first-rate.” – Heraclitus (Fragments, c. 500 B.C.) In a memo to one of my clients, I recommended that he create a policy for promoting a standard of employee excellence that would include his eliminating the worst 15% of his…


Powercharging Your Networking

By Early To Rise | 03/19/2002

To solidify an acquaintanceship — that is, to get someone you admire to remember your name — you might want to try something brazen and calculating…such as sending a gift along with a personal letter. I was the subject of such a transparent and disreputable effort last week — and…


Resist The Temptation To Do Less As You Do Better

By Early To Rise | 03/13/2002

A crow sat in a tree, doing nothing. A rabbit saw the crow and asked, “Can I also sit and do nothing?” “Sure,” the crow answered. So the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow and rested. A few minutes later, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit, and…


What’s More Important Than Making Each And Every Sale?

By Early To Rise | 03/1/2002

I once owned a seminar business. Our best salesman, Ziggy, outsold his colleagues by more than double. For three months, after the weekly sales sheets came in and he was again in the No. 1 slot, I’d ask him for his secret. “I just like to sell,” he said. “I…


Selling Yourself: The Secret Of The 100,000 Buckets

By Early To Rise | 02/28/2002

After finishing my copywriting program, one of my students decided to “get serious” about his future. He carefully studied the portion of the course that dealt with getting clients and did exactly what it said to do. He went to the local library, photocopied the part of a reference source…


How To Make $90,000 (Or More!) Working Seasonally

By Mark Morgan Ford | 02/13/2002

“There can be no high civilization where there is not ample leisure.” –  Henry Ward Beecher (Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit, 1887) After 20 years of putting up with my amateurish Christmas lighting, KFF insisted on having our house done “properly” this time. She found a young man who would light…


How To Apologize Without Guilt

By Mark Morgan Ford | 02/12/2002

You blew your stack and said something you shouldn’t have. Yes, yes, you were justified. She has made that same mistake a dozen times. But since she continues to behave the same way, your corrections are not having any effect. You realize the problem is one that requires shared responsibilities.…


When You Think It’s Time To Tell Off Your Boss

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/21/2002

Joe, a longtime ETR, says his boss is both difficult to speak to and seriously mistaken about some important corporate “issues.” He believes many ETRs may be in the same position and asks, “Should we tell the boss like it is?” It’s impossible to answer Joe’s particular question without specifics,…