The Freedom of Not Chasing the Dream
Chasing the dream and comparing your life to the faux exterior we’re sold in the media is the number one cause of stress. But here’s the solution.
READ MOREPlug Into Your Outlet and Recharge, ASAP
Recharge by plugging into your outlet, whether it’s playing basketball for an hour, reading a good book like The Perfect Day Formula, or going to dinner.
READ MOREMy Personal Routine for World Domination
Craig Ballantyne, Editor at Early to Rise and Creator of The Perfect Day Formula, shares his personal daily routine for dominating 2017. Plus, the recipe of his daily immune boosting morning drink.
READ MOREAlways Leave the Office on Time
I recently shared an image and comment on why I genuinely believe that we all need to practice the art of leaving the office on time. Admittedly I did not expect the nearly 250k’s worth of likes and 1,000’s of comments however I wanted to share why I genuinely believe that to achieve the high’s of both professional and personal life you absolutely need to pay attention and ‘leave the office on time’.
READ MORESuccessful People Have Rituals, Not Alarm Clocks
For decades people have wondered whether there was one, single time when the most successful people in the world woke up. We revisit the discussion, looking instead at ritual over time.
READ MORESelf-Leadership Secrets of an Extreme Athlete
Leadership lessons from one of the most extreme ultrarunners on the planet.
READ MOREWhat Really Matters
Why do some folks look back on their lives and say they wouldn’t change much? Or anything? Is there a formula? Some mix of love, work, habits, or attitudes that offers the best chance of a well-lived life? Researchers at Harvard have been examining this question for 72 years by…
READ MORE8 Reasons Your Clients Aren’t Paying You
You did the work. Actually, you did the work extremely well. In fact, not only did you do the work extremely well, you completed the entire project under budget and ahead of schedule. So why isn’t your client paying? All invoicing businesses, from freelancers to major firms, experience delinquent payers.…
READ MORE#1 Factor in Building a Successful Family
You may be surprised at how much time and attention successful wealthy families devote to family issues. Sure, you receive a lot of information on stock market analysis, strategic investment recommendations and the best ways to grow and protect your family wealth. But financial matters are only part of the…
READ MOREWhy You Need Shark Habits in Your Life
In 1977, at our first team meeting with the Utah State University track and field team, Coach Ralph Maughan outlined a few things that continue to shape my life. At the time, he was addressing state and national champions and one Olympian. Three statements stood out: “Make yourself a slave to…
READ MOREThe Money vs. Happiness Debate
Where do you sit in the money vs happiness debate? Which is more important? After reading this article, do you still feel the same way?
READ MOREThe Ten Commandments of Con Men
I told her I would never write about her again. The first time I wrote about her was in 2009. I met her in a bookstore and she was drawing and I was attracted to her. I asked her what she was drawing. She told me her whole story. And…