World’s Worst Fitness Experts

Uh-oh. I’m going to get fired for this, but it’s a truth I have to tell you. You see, there’s a really, really bad type of fitness expert out there giving you terrible advice (unlike the free 15-minute workout I included below).
The “World’s Worst Fitness Experts” don’t mean any harm, but they just don’t know any better. And to be honest, they are just doing their job. But doing their job means giving you bad information.
For example, in the 1980′s they told you to do lots and lots of cardio for weight loss. But how did that turn out for you?
Then in the 1990′s they brought you bad diet advice, such as: “Make sure to eat a high carbohydrate diet for fat loss.” But dozens of boxes of SnackWell cookies, bag of pretzels, and hundreds of cartons of sugary, low-fat frozen yogurt proved that kind of diet only makes you fat & hungry.
Again, these well-meaning experts didn’t know any better. They heard about research, done on marathon runners, that suggested doing hours of cardio fand eating a high carbohydrate diet of sports drinks, juices, cereal, and pasta was the “BEST” way to get fit.
But that was for marathon runners! Not for busy people that want to lose fat.
And they ended up giving YOU the wrong advice.
So who are these terrible fitness experts?
Free-lance journalists (with no health and fitness background!) that write for big websites and publications, like and Shape magazine.
You see…
These well-meaning folks have English degrees and went to Journalism school, but have NEVER trained a client before in their lives.
Yet they are the ones giving the world fitness advice on the world’s biggest websites and in all types of magazines.
It’s very, very scary.
And while they mean well, they simply have NO idea what they are talking about…it’s sad, and it’s dangerous for you to follow their advice.
Telling you this will probably get me fired from the magazines I write for! But you need to know the truth behind the fitness advice you read everyday.
So…your best bet for fitness advice that actually works?
1) Hire the best personal trainer in your town. Get referrals from as many people as you can. Ask around town for who the best expert is…and invest in at least one session with them. It will be worth every penny.
2) If you can’t find a trainer in your town, or if you simply don’t have the time to go to one, then use my follow-along workout videos.
Instead of long, slow, boring cardio sessions, you’ll do fast-paced, minimal equipment workouts like this Turbulence Training circuit modeled after a workout in my new TT Metabolic Resistance Training 3.0 program here:
1) Prisoner Squat – 30 seconds
2) Decline Pushup or Regular Pushup – 30 seconds
3) Bulgarian Split Squat or Regular Split Squat – 30 seconds per side
4) DB Row – 30 seconds per side
5) Total Body Extensions – 30 seconds
6) Cross-Body Mountain Climbers – 30 seconds (alternating sides)
– Do not rest between exercises.
– Rest up to 1 minute at the end of the circuit.
– Repeat for a total of 3 circuits for a 15-Minute Workout.
My follow-along workout videos are even better than going to a trainer, because you’ll have me and my Team of TT Trainers “showing” up at your house – or in your hotel room or wherever you take your computer – to put you through a proven, fat burning workout.
These workout videos will save you tons of time and money, and you’ll be guaranteed to be using the best exercises and getting professional advice.
In the past you had to choose between getting my bodyweight-only Home Workout Revolution program or my bodyweight + dumbbell Turbulence Training workouts. But not anymore. Get them both – and a full year’s access to every NEW workout I ever create – for one low price this week only:
Get ALL of my safe and effective fat burning workouts here
Helping you get fit and stay safe,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer