Worst Affiliate Email Ever

This is pathetic and doesn’t work.
Whatever you do, do NOT ever approach someone like this guy did…”What a LaRue”, as my friend Jason Ferruggia would say.
Here’s what happened...last month I received this email from a stranger. The sender probably sent it to hundreds of people in my industry, but no one I know would be silly enough to dignify it with a response.
Plenty of my sarcastic friends would mock it, sure, but no one would respond. So today you learn what NOT to do as a beginner affiliate…
Do NOT model this email!
Subject: Possible Partnership?
I wanted to run a possible partnership idea by you. Below is all the information you need about our company and offering.
In short, we’re an email marketing agency for the health / fitness / beauty verticals. We make money for our list owners by sending highly relevant offers from other advertisers in the industry. At the same time, we ensure that our advertisers are getting the best possible results by matching their campaigns to the most appropriate lists.
There’s more to it and looking forward to exploring possible fits with you.
Below I posted some links to our website as well as videos to get a better understanding of how we execute
Feel free to contact me anytime if you have any other questions.
Best regards,
That approach doesn’t work…so what should you do instead of sending out generic emails like this to people that want NOTHING to do with you??
Follow this advice:
10 Rules for Getting NEW Affiliates From Joel Marion, Affiliate King
1. Introduce yourself to new affiliates and PRAISE THEM
2. Highlight your credibility
3. Ask for review copy of one of their products – tell them you’d love to write a review that they can use however they’d like
Offer to help them in other ways (promoting their product, guest blog post, website stuff…whatever you can offer… there IS some way you can help)
4. Show them you actually know who they are. Make it personal.
5. Your major objective is to get them on the phone (much more personal and effective)
6. Don’t be long winded
7. Be REAL, be personable
8. NEVER, EVER ask someone you have not at least had one “live” conversation with to promote your product.
9. Become a friend, help them first, then it will naturally come back to you.
10. Recruit relationships, not affiliates!
And here’s a SUPER cool BONUS for you…it’s Joel’s “Affiliate Contact Template” that helped him have a $300,000 launch way back in 2009 during the first 3 days he ever sold anything. Joel proves that anything is possible when you make money with friends. Use this to get started:
Basic Affiliate Contact Email Template
Subject: Hey < affiliate name>,<your name> from <your website/publication you contribute to>
Hey < affiliate name>,
<Your Name> from < Your site or publication you write for> here. Been a fan of your stuff for a long time and thought it was about time I finally reached out to you!
You may or may not be familiar with me, but I’m/I’ve <highlight your credibility/accomplishments>
– I have a newsletter that goes out to X number of extremely responsive subscribers
– I regularly write for X publication
– I’m a certified X who has X (highlight accomplishments)
Anyway, if you have a couple of minutes to spare, I’d love to get on the phone one day this week to chat about setting up an interview to promote your product and some other ways I might be able to help you and your business.
Do you have time on <specific date>, say <specific time>? Let me know if that works for you!
Look forward to helping you anyway I can.
Keep killing it, < affiliate name >!
< Your Name >
P.S. By the way, loved your newsletter the other week about < Fill in newsletter topic >….. < comment on newsletter >
Be generous.
Treat your affiliates like gold,
Craig Ballantyne
PS – If you need help connecting with affiliate…
…let Bedros and me introduce you to some at our 1-Day Mastermind in Vegas. Email Joan@keuilian.com to grab the LAST spot.
See you soon.