You Heard It Here First!

There is a lot of talk about Facebook becoming the world’s live news network.
Is Facebook ready for this kind of power?
A lot of people don’t think so.
But whether or not you think Facebook is ready is beside the point, because it’s already happening.
The people have felt what it’s like to break live news and now we can’t un-feel it.
If Facebook decides it’s not up for the challenge — it doesn’t want the ethical and legal burdens — another social-media platform will step up and grant you the power.
What will be interesting to see is who you and I gravitate toward.
Up to this point, speed has always been a selling factor for networks. News channels have built reputations on the “you heard it here first!” slogan.
But, if 1.5 billion of Facebook’s users have the power to break news as it happens, what is the appeal of breaking news?
There is none.
In the coming months, we’re going to see a lot more “personalities,” “experts,” and “commentators,” take on staple roles in news networks and publishing companies.
If you’re a young person working for any kind of publishing company — news related or other — the value of your personal brand will increase.
If you don’t have a strong personal brand established, now is the time to start building one. The demand for expert knowledge that can make heads or tails of breaking news is increasing.
There are a lot of ways you can start building your personal brand. QuickSprout founder Neil Patel wrote a comprehensive guide outlining his favorite strategies.
If you’re looking for a simple strategy you can start implementing today, try what Jon Goodman suggests in his book Viralnomics and post something (an article, video, quote…) related to your field on social media. Do this once or twice a week, and soon your friends will start to see you as the X guy/gal in X industry.
For example, let’s say you have a friend named Joey, who is always commenting and sharing UFC-related news on Facebook. Joey is your UFC guy. If you have a question about UFC, Joey is the first person you ask. Starting to build your personal brand is no more complicated than doing what Joey does.
Nick Papple
Managing Editor
Success Formula Daily
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